
  • To ensure that the IQA is valid, reliable and covers all Work Based Trainers and programme activity
  • To ensure that the IQA procedure is open, fair and free from bias.
  • To ensure that there is accurate and detailed recording of IQA decision.

In order to implement this, the centre will:

  • Ensure Work Based Trainers exceed the minimum requirement over and above the end point assessment criteria and Internal Quality Assurers are competent.
  • Ensure that all Centre assessment instruments are verified as fit for purpose.
  • Verify an appropriately structured sample of Work Based Trainer work from all programmes, sites and teams, in line with the Markhor Shield Security Services Internal Quality Assurance Strategy. Ensure centre programmes conform to the awarding body standards and external verification requirements. • Plan an internal quality assurance schedule, linked to assignment roles and in line with the Markhor Shield Security Services Internal Quality Assurance Strategy.
  • Define, maintain and support effective internal quality assurance roles.
  • Ensure that identified staff will maintain secure records of all internal quality assurance activity.
  • Brief and train staff of the requirements for current internal quality assurance procedures.
  • Promote internal quality assurance as a development process between staff.
  • Provide standardized IQA documentation.
  • Use the outcome of internal quality assurance to enhance future assessment practice.
  • Work Based Trainers and Internal Quality Assurers are regularly monitored in line with the Markhor Shield Security Services Internal Quality Assurance Strategy.
  • Special assessment needs are identified and assessment procedures are adjusted to suit the identified needs.
  • Ensure all Candidates, Work Based Trainers and Internal Quality Assurers understand the appeals procedures.
  • No candidate will be discriminated against because of gender, race, religion or sexual preference.

Markhor Shield Security Services has a conflict of interest policy which is covered in our Company Rules this integral to our Internal Quality Assurance and this policy requires compliance with that document this covers all staff, contractors, agency workers, and freelance staff. Policy review This policy will be reviewed every year to take account of any changed technology, legislation, expectations or practices.

Markhor Shield Security Services
Suit 500, AW House 6-8 Stuart Street
Luton, Bedfordshire
Phone no: 0207 1933598